Tuesday, 11 March 2008

The slower life – la vida lenta

To be honest with you, I am almost a week behind schedule with writing, so what you are reading actually happened some days ago. A slow, coming and going internet-connection, a full day-program and people doing their job with a speed which either makes you fall asleep or go wild ;) with this slowness every little thing takes you 2 or 3 times more time than planned. How ever, we managed to find a bungalow, rent motorbikes and prepare ourselves in time to go to the yoga-intensive-course 6 hours a day, 6 days a week. This might sound a little esoteric or at least alternative to most of you and I have to admit, that I am still very critical towards it, but every day I feel better, more awake, healthier and more balanced. I think I will do the whole month and see what I can get out of it. In the worst case it will bee every day exercise for my body which makes me feel better and healthier, in the best case I have the opportunity to grow in a personal and spiritual way, have more control over my emotions and actions and simply feel more balanced. Apart from the two exercise-lessons we have two lectures every day, which give us a lot of input to investigate in internet and think it over.
In the breaks I use to write this blog, organize some stuff (there is always something to be done), go to the beach and sunburn myself a bit, or explore buddhist temples, bays and places on the island with patricia. The living community with my two friends is very relaxed and nice; I think we are starting to feel a bit like at home already ;) (Don’t worry, I will come back).
Some days ago I gossiped a bit with the owner of the bungalow and found out that his neighbour had a lot of instruments at home and was motivated to jam a bit. So I went to meet him and practice my guitar play – obviously not enough because yesterday they convinced me to play a bit at a small party and as I was so nervous, I played so badly that I was about to run to the sea and drown myself ;) anyhow they want to see me playing again, so I will practice the following days in order to feel more secure about my skills. I don’t have anything to loose except my own dignity maybe, nobody knows me ;)
A handsome spanish reader of this blog wanted to know more about the atmosphere, the sounds and the smell here so I try to give you a little insight. The sounds here are dominated by the nature, especially at dusk and dawn you can hear big insects sing, while the gecko shouts his name (that’s why this small reptile is called a gecko) and makes other funny noises. All the animals and plants are bigger here, even the insects are a bit scary. A moment ago I saw a snake at my neighbour’s balcony and went to give it a closer look. I am no expert in snakes, but when the snake lifted it´s body in a vertical position and opened a small skin shield among the head it reminded me a bit of a cobra. According to my brother Bernard the best way of evitating an unwished meeting with a snake is to walk like an elephant so that they feel the vibrations of the ground and have enough time to hide. …so whereas some beautiful women are working on their cat-walk, I am about to work on my rino-walk ;)
But please don´t worry about me being harmed by an animal, it’s much more likely to get hit by a coconut falling of some palm-tree ;) (this might be a good moment to knock on wood).


Para deciros la verdad, mi blog está retrasado más que una semana, lo que estais leyendo realmente pasó hace dias. Una conneción de internet que se va y vuelve, los dias repletos de actividades y gente trabajando con una lentitud que te entra el suegno o la rabia ;) con tal velocidad se tarda en cada tarea el doble o triple del tiempo estimado. De todas formas conseguimos encontrar un bungalow, alquilar motos y preparanos para el curse intensivo de yoga, 6 horas al día 6 días por semana. A lo mejor suena un poco esoterico o por lo menos alternativo y tengo que admitir, que estoy bastante critico, pero cada día me siento mejor, más despierto, sano y equilibrado. Creo que voy a hacer el curso durante el més entero y ver que puedo sacar de ello. En el peor caso hago ejercisio fisico que me sienta bien, en el mejor caso tengo la oportunidad de crecer personalmente y igual espriritualmete, tener mis emociones y aciones más controlados y sentirme más centrado. Aparte de los ejercicios fisicos tenemos 2 lecturas cada día que nos dan muchos impulsos y nos hacen investigar.
En los ratos libres suelo escribir este blog, organizar cosas (siempre hay halgo, es halucinante), ir a la playa y quemarme un poco, explorar templos buddhistas y partes desconocidos de la isla con patricia. La convivencia con mis dos amigos va muy bien, peinso que ya nos estamos acomodando más y más (no os preocupeis, volveré).
Hace pocos días me puse a charlar con el duegno del bungalow y me enteré que su vecino tenía instrumentos de musica en casa y queria hacer una jam session. Iba en su encuentro y me dejó su guitara para pracicar un poco – no lo suficiente porque ayer me convicieron a toquar en una pequegna fiesta y me puse tan nervioso que toque tan mal que tenia ganas de ahogarme en el mar alli mismo ;) lo sorprendente es, que quieren verme toquar otra vez, asi que debería practicar a saco para sentirme más seguro. En fin y al cabo no tnego nada que perder excepto mi propia dignidad quizas, nadie me conoce ;)
Alguna lectora espagnola muy mona quería saber más sobre el ambiente, los sonidos y los olores aqui, intentaré daros una pequegna impresión. Los sonidos aqui estan dominados por la naturaleza, especialmente en el amanecer y el atardecer se escucha a insectos muy grandes, mientras el gecko canta su nombre (por eso esta especie de lagartos se llaman asi) y hace sonidos muy divertidos. Todos los animales y plantas son mucho más grandes aquí, hasta los insectos pueden llegar a intimidarte. Hace un momento ví una serpiente en el balcon de mi vecino y fui alli a echarle un vistazo. No soy experto en serpientes, pero la manera como se levantaba y abría la piel alrededor de su cabeza me recordaba un poco a una cobra. Según mi hermano bernhard la major manera de evitar encuentros no planeados con serpientes es caminar como un elefante para que sientan las vibraciónes del suelo y tengan el tiempo sufieciente para esfumarse. ..mientras alguas mujeres hermosas practican el cat-walk, estoy a punto de aprender el rino-walk ;) Por favor no os preocupeis que me pueda morder alún bicho, es más probable que me apaste un coco cayiendo de una palmera ;) (a toquar madera).


B said...

Hi Volker,

it seems like you will not switch to German anytime soon. So - in order to reduce the amount of different languages and dialects in this blog, I'll write in English in the future. Sorry to the whole of royal Spain, but my Spanish is more or less inexistent.

Volker, I hope you have received the guideline on how to embed picasa slideshows that I put into our family blog - the only thing you have to change is the language setting in your picasa account. It seems the US version is somewhat ahead of other picasa versions.

Regarding music and instruments - my guitar is desperately waiting for some action as I currently do not have the time to play. So, as soon as you are here in AU you are welcome to play for us besides the BBQ in our courtyard. We won't let anybody criticise you in a negative way - especially not our noisy neighbor and his dog. He might sing along, though.

Give my best wishes to your companions - see you soon,

Lioba said...

Hi Volker,

it is a great pleasure reading your blog. :-) As you see, I am following your advice.

I hope you do get out a lot from yoga. I did some yoga and qigong a time ago, however, I have forgotten most of the exercises. So, maybe, you could write up some of your favorite exercises, which you could pass on also to me - also in search for a balanced life ;-)

I do accompany you with reading and in thoughts. Enjoy your time and be well.

Big hugs, presently from Vienna Airport, flying to Innsbruck,


Anonymous said...

Queda satisfecha mi curiosidad por saber cuál es la "banda sonora" del paraíso ;)me recuerda a que cuando viajé por un trecho del río Orinoco en Venezuela, no pude resistir grabar los sonidos de los pájaros en mi móvil,(un desastre, no lo probéis) porque al final te das cuenta de que hay sensaciones que no se pueden congelar ni encapsular.A ver si tienes suerte y te cruzas con un ave del paraíso,bs. Kokoschka

vanlo said...

meine lieben geschwister, ihr könnt natürlich gerne auf deutsch weiterschreiben, ich antworte auch immer gerne auf deutsch. das besondere an diesem bog ist unter anderem dessen sprachliche vielfalt. bezüglich yoga kann ich euch gerne ein paar übungen beibringen und euch die eine oder andere anregung in sachen gesunder lebenswandel vermitteln.
bezüglich meiner gitarreviruosität erwartet euch bitte nicht zu viel, ich kann viele songs nur zur hälfte, was bei konzerten oft schwer zu vertuschen ist ;) heute werde ich wieder jamen gehen und mein musikalisches selbstvertrauen wieder aufpäppeln. ich denk an euch, big bro-hug, volker

vanlo said...

thanx to the detailed information by my brother bernhard i finally have managed to embed slideshows into my blog!!! the google-accounts in US-english have more features than the other ones, can you blieve that? sauerei ;)
...well enjoy the slidshows, you need to download the flash player for it and it works best in firefox. big hug to all of you.

Anonymous said...

life without gastric ulcer & backache!

enjoy, big hug, pete