Friday, 14 March 2008

Kho mak

After many intense days of yoga patricia and I needed a break in order to let the new information settle a bit and have time to order our thoughts. We skipped the afternoon lesson and went on exploration-tour heading north of kho pha gnan. We stopped at a Buddhist temple which seemed to be built for tourists only, it looked so new and cosy that we felt like in Barbie-land, rather than in a spiritual place. After fulfilling our duty as good tourists – shooting everything which moved with our cameras - we went on to kho mak, a very particular beach, where you can walk to the island nearby when the tide is low. After imagining how it would be to live on this island without streets, with one bar and one café only, we hit the road again. I was pretty focused on the road in order to not fall into one of the deep holes and not hit obstacles when patricia shouted “elephants” all of a sudden. I made a u-turn and indeed there were Indian elephants chewing big amounts of leaves waiting for their next jungle safari. Elephants are known for their bad temper so we stepped back with respect when a guide passed by with a huge exemplar. Patricia hided beneath a house and took pictures from her hiding place ;)


Cansados después de unos días muy intensos de yoga patricia y yo nos tomamos un día de descanso para cambiar de aire y ordenar vuestros pensamientos. En la moto exploramos el norte de kho pha gnan y nos paramos en un templo budista que se parecía más a la casa de barbie que a un sitio sagrado. Cumpliendo con el deber de un buen turista disparamos a todo que se movía con nuestras cameras y luego nos marchamos a kho mak, una playa muy particular, donde se puede llegar una isla cercana andando, mientras la marea esté baja. nos quedamos alli un rato imaginado nos cómo sería vivir en un sitio asi sin carreteras, con solo un bar y un café. En el camino de vuelta nos tropezamos con unos elefantes (metafóricamente) que estaban allí esperando a su próxima safari a la jungla. Uno de ellos parecía tener muy mala leche, asi que patricia buscó refugio debajo de una caseta sacando fotos desde su escondite ;)


Anonymous said...

Arno wrote:
Thanks for sharing
looks like you're slowly opening your mind to the rich and meaningful depths of your spirituality... deep breath and.... breathe out slowlyyyyy
uffffff... could use some of that!
Bis Bald ZenBoy!

Anonymous said...

volker, usually nobody force me to write postings...hmm, but your not nobody, so here is my posting: nice pics, enjoy your trip & take care! max/berlin

vanlo said...

hey ho, this un-fucking believabel, max is posting!!! what a big honour!!! i am sorry for pushing, but i just need some participation of my friends to stay motivated and write ;)

Anonymous said...

Volker, muchos besos. se te echa de menos!!pásatelo muy bien, las fotos son espectaculares...mucha suerte.

vanlo said...

me alegra mucho oir eso!!! quien eres?