Saturday, 16 February 2008

welcome, bienvenidos, wilkommen

hi everybody, i am lucky enough to have my friends spread out all over the world, so i consider this blog as a chance to practice my english, please consider it as a chance to practice yours too ...and forgive me for not writing it in 3 languages ;)

please participate in this blog with your comments to make reading it a lively and funny experience. of course you can write your comments in your own language if you feel more comfortable.

in the following 3 months i will do my best to tell you about my trip to thailand (maybe vietnam, cambodia, laos too) and australia in an entertaining and honest way so that you get an insight into different cultures and maybe a new destination to go to on holidays ;)

big hug, keep rocking
...10 days to go


Hadmar said...

gute reise

vanlo said...

freut mi, dass du der erschte bisch der oan kommentar schreibt, trotz jetlag usw. den pulitzerpreis kriagsch aber für de zwoa wörter nit ;) willkommen zurück, raschtets eich gscheit aus.

Baboon said...

diviertate & cuidate amigo!
tres palabras!;)

Anonymous said...

Pasalo la genial, claro con muxo cuidado con cocodrilos,tiburones, serpientes, arañas.....y las chicas ja ja ok. Ya nos veremos amigo. 1abrazo
pt:gracias por el pendrive¡¡


vanlo said...

de nada felipe ;) ya os ire contando... un abrazo fuerte